Sharmila Bandyopadhyay
Sharmila Bandyopadhyay brings 15 years experience within key practice areas valuable to Capitol Steps Consulting: Legislative research and public policy analysis, political outreach, and project management. Over her career, she has worked closely on a number of issues on program implementation as it relates to financial compliance, the creation of political platforms, and public policy practice. She has worked closely with institutions in the healthcare, financial, and conservation sectors, both domestically and internationally.
As a Neuroscience and Biochemistry major at Brown University, Sharmila was exposed to several aspects of the medical field including research, education, and outreach. She worked in conjuction with respected researchers in Tokyo, the University of Minnesota, and the National Institutes of Health. Her participation enabled her to become an integral part of the leadership and management teams of high volume hospitals in Boston, and Burlington, Vermont - preparing her transition to politics.
Drawn to the political arena, Sharmila brings a strong understanding of the legislative and regulatory processes, fundraising capabilities, and client relationships. In addition, she has extensive experience on the local and state level in campaigns and non-profit advocacy.
As an avid conservationist, Sharmila utilizes her skills for several non-profit groups, including the Sierra Club, Habitat for Humanity, and Fins Attached Marine Conservation. She has traveled abroad to spend time rehabilitating elephants in Cambodia and teaching computer skills to children in the Ivory Coast.